Saturday, January 04, 2003 you think hilary rosen will ever get her head out of her ass? i am sure that the quality of music the majors are pushing has nothing to do with slumping sales?nor the uncertainty of war?
...would the glut of boy-bands,scantilly clad girls that can't sing and very similar rap acts that are churning out singles buried on shitty full lengths have anything to do with it?

contest:: is now closed ,sorry i was getting ready to run another auction on ebay,i realized i had some cdrs around that i now owned the originals of. rather than throw them away,i decided to run this little contest open to the first person to correctly identify (via the comment box) where i stole the name nerdball from. an assortment (3 or 4) of cdrs i have laying around here to the winner.i will probably do this again in a few weeks,so don't fret if you don't get it this time.

Friday, January 03, 2003

pssssstttt....andy's back.,as usual i believe i have taken on something that might drag on for a bit. the 'something' being the 2002 favourites a year that i have read online that no good music was released i have heard a ton. glad i never limited myself to 10 or 20 or whatever.
...i am only this week finding out about releases from broken social club,metro area,dead beat,subtonal,spark & many others.

2002 favourites:: continued...
bjork - "greatest hits":: while the "family tree" comp is out of reach to me i did luck into a copy of this on ebay. by luck i mean that it is the 24k version released in asia. very nice packaging,ect..bjork can really do no wrong by my ears. i am saying that as a disclaimer to all the haters out there that dismiss her without really giving her her due. not sure if it is because she appears to be ageless or childlike or whatever! she always has interesting artists to work with like mark bell,matmos ,or herbert. with only one dud track (the remix of big time sensuality by fluke) among the 15 tracks i'd have to say this was value for the buck.

mouse on mars to release older ep's on one cd.

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

2002 favourites:: continued...
out hud - "street dad"(kranky)::well after first reading about them in the brain and then paul mentioning them i checked out out hud on soulseek. at first what came a cross as gimmicky began to grow on me. the crashing of the garbage can percussion to to the stop-go nature of the music all pulled me in. after finally buying the real thing and having it in constant rotation,i have to agree that this is a terrific disc. really looking forward to seeing where this band goes with their next release. [minor gripe:: at 35 mins. i would have preferred this to be priced as an ep and not a full length.]

Sunday, December 29, 2002

...snow is falling and it's damn cold!

....from the brainwashed site a video from keith fullerton whitman[hrvatski].

...aaron at has put his top 20 of 2002 up on his site.going to have to make sure that i follow through and grab that The Books - "Thought For Food" cd. nice list.