Thursday, September 19, 2002

...been busy putting stuff up on ebay again. christmas and birthdays round the corner,so selling is needed .

...cleaned up and added some new links of a couple pages i like to read.papercities is a page badger mentioned today. i had followed the link from the rub's list. i believe that he and paul are having a contest to see who can blind their readers with the brightest background colours.

...also addded nonstop pop which is a really well written music blog.

...back to the subject of ebay.funny how labels come and go from being the hot items for sale on ebay. i remember not long ago when almost anything that was fax related garnered huge bids. not apparently so anymore. same as elektrolux stuff and skam. yet on a whim , i put up a couple of cds i never listen to anymore and they are hitting $30 and $50 bux. puzzled but happily so.

....after seeing mentions of the interpol earlier ep's,i grabbed them off of soulseek. interesting to see how far their sound has developed already. they really are a young band that is learning how to write and develop songs. let's hope that they continue to get better and don't fall prey to believing all the hype that is being piled on them.

Sunday, September 15, 2002

interpol guitars stolen::
went to the royal hotel in vancouver tonight to see interpol.unfortunately ,someone stole both the guitar players guitars. given that the royal is in one of the seedier areas of vancouver, i guess i shouldn't be surprised. hell , john spencer [another matador act ,strangely enough] had his gear stolen here as well.
so kudos go to the band for borrowing guitars and going ahead with the show. i mean,with customs gouging every band that plays canada approx. $400 to cross the border to play,i'm sure this was just adding to the sour taste in their mouths.with a mumbled comment about borrowed guitars,these guys went on to give vancouver a great show.i must say that their music comes across really well live. they fleshed out their sound by adding a keyboard player.daniel kesslers vocals were especially strong and i believe they played most all of their album.
when they launched into "say hello to the angels" kessler mentioned,"i hope i can play this as intense on this guitar."which indeed they did. great show,catch them when they hit your town.

fashion observation::
apparently by the amount of ties worn onstage by interpol and by the people in the audience......ties are in :)